990 Communications Management System

990 Communications Management System
The BISS Technologies release of the 990 Comsys as a product offering features, characteristics and system capacity beyond our other solutions caters to the larger requirements from our existing installations. The backbone of the 950 Radio Management System has been maintained with additional flexibility for operator control/interface and enhanced operational features. Installations incorporating the BISS Technologies 950 Radio Management System may readily expand to the 990 Comsys with the option of both 950 and 990 solutions running within the same system.

950 & 990 Brochure


990AMC/ANI Operator Console
Incorporating the popular and successful Audio Management Unit complete with Selcall and ANI, this unit processes the complete communication center audio sources to a single access point for the operator.


990SC12A Channel Selector (12 way)
990SC24A Channel Selector (24 way)
990SC24PB Channel Selector (24 way, Push Button)
As an initial control step to the radio network, channel access via the 12 way channel selector is provided. Each channel offers a three-way switch:
Up = Channel off
Mid = Monitor only
Down = both TX & RX access

Any combination of channels may be selected by any, or indeed all, operator positions.

990LC12A Channel Linker (12 way)
990LC24A Channel Linker (24 way)
990LC24PB Channel Linker (24 way, Push Button)
As with the 950 Radio Management System, the 990LC12A Channel Linker allows for the cross patching or linking of any of the installed channels to the system. The switches are the standard three position toggles, with the middle position denoting a non-linked state.

950RAM Rack Audio Mixer
The 950RAM Rack Audio Mixer provides audio and data combining for up to five 950SR subracks. Up to 30 channels can be configured to each 950RAM.

950AS Advanced Selector Card
The 950AS Advanced Selector Card provides the channel interface to the operator console via the 950RAM Rack Audio Mixer.

950MSD Multi Selcall Decoder
This card provides the Selcall decoding of the system. The interface at this point enables multiple selcalls to be received and processed simultaneously on a per channel basis.

The following cards are common to both the 990 Comsys and the 950 Radio Management System. More information is available in the 950 Radio Management System details.

950CI Channel Interface
950CL Channel Linker
950DT 6 channel DTMF Decoder

950TM Tape Monitor
950SR 3U Subrack
950XC Subrack Extension

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