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E&M Galvanic Isolator
The New BISS Technologies 16 port Galvanic Isolator for E&M channel is the solution for radio connectivity to the network. Galvanic Isolator provides optical isolation of E and M signalization using doubled optocoupler for one channel separatelly for E signal and M signal. Isolation voltage is up to 400 kV. Galvanic Isolator need to be supplied -48V from the network device supply. Activ signalisation is highlited using LED for each signal. This help for easy diagnostic of signalling through complete sets of LEDs for individual port . Galvanic Isolator is housed in standart 19" rack.

Display for Radio series 200
The Display for radio S200 is device for visualisation of the common working frequency on the radio. Display is usefull in stress situation of ATC controller in case when main VCS is not working. Display is mounted at front panel of the radio. Led display is green with heigh of numbers 20mm.

Spliter for RCME S200
The Spliter for RCME S200 is central equipment in data acquestions from RCME S200 alocated on the radio sites. Spliter is used for receiv the status of the radios and for transmit the command to the radios.

900 Series Communication Line & Equipment Interfaces
BISS Technologies range of reliable, easy-to-use Communication Interfaces are designed to give you the flexibility you need in managing your radio communications. The following extensive range of both line (AUSTEL approved) and equipment interfaces allows you to interconnect products within the BISS Technologies range as well as interface BISS Technologies and OEM products:

Handset and Console Systems
BISS Technologies manufactures and supports a high quality and popular range of reliable Radio Communications Handsets and Consoles designed to meet your individual needs. Our extensive range includes systems for everyone from basic "push to talk" communications to Selective Calling and Automatic Number Identification. Plus now we also offer a range of Options and Accessories to provide you with the perfect solution. BISS Technologies Range of Handset and Console Systems are available in each of the following models:

950 Radio Management System
From a small single channel installation through to large multi-channel installations BISS Technologies name has become synonymous with Communication Center control and peripheral equipment. The BISS Technologies 950 Radio Management System is an extremely reliable, versatile and cost effective system for small to medium communication centers. It is a modular system that allows for ease of expansion allowing for multiple operators and multiple channels. A 950 system can include the following components:

Dispatch Consoles series 300
BISS Technologies manufactures and supports a high quality Dispatch Consoles for critical applications and offers communication solutions to a Aeronautical Traffic Control Centers and professional organizations that need a dedicated radio telephone systems to manage traffic, coordinate operations and distribute information. The scope and complexity of the operation, BISS TECHNOLOGIES can configure a system that precisely meets the user's capability and capacity requirements using a few dispatch consoles in common-parallel or singular operation.

DX-64 Digital Radio Management System
The DX-64 is the flagship of BISS Technologies Radio Management Systems. It is capable of handling up to 32 operator positions, each of which can control, monitor, grup and link a maximum of 56 radio, audio or telephone channels. With a digital audio backbone, built-in redundancy and modular design, the DX-64 is reliable, expandable and cost effective.

Audio Bridges
The BISS Technologies 619 GI & EI Audio Bridges operate as a basic switch matrix and Audio Mixer (not high fidelity). The main application of the bridge is link one radio to another, thus making up a repeater type application. Other application types include:

Linking land lines together
Creating a star network · Audio Device (mixer/splitter Ð not high fidelity)

Site Monitoring (i.e. switching base stations on and off during testing)

Intelligent Audio Bridge
The New BISS Technologies Intelligent Audio Bridge builds on BISS Technologies highly successful range of Audio Bridges by incorporating a variety of signal processes and control techniques with user configurability through software. Housed in a standard 1U sub-rack, the Bridge allows up to six audio paths, together with their control signals, to be routed by an onboard microprocessor. Complex CTCSS and DTMF decoding functions are available for all standard frequencies together with fast mute, configurable PTT hold and delay times etc., etc. All these functions can be locally or remotely controlled from a Windows based software package provided with the unit.

Audio Management Unit
The BISS Technologies Audio Management is a versatile audio operator interface. It is intuitive in operation and significantly contributes to operator efficiency and comfort. Audio sources from both the mobile radio(s) and PABX are integrated into the system and can be selected individually by the operator.

990 Comsys Communications Management System
The 990 Comsys Communications Management System is the Cream of BISS Technologies Communications Management Systems. It caters for greater capacity and flexibility of operation and operator interface, while incorporating an Audio Management System. Communication Centers with an eye for future expansion, see this product as an ideal installation. A 990 system can include the following components:

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